Carpool Instructions
Dismissal begins at 3:05 Please make sure to arrive no earlier than 2:45. Arriving earlier causes disturbance to the members of the community who are coming to the masjid for various activities. Please read below for detailed carpool instructions.
All cars should display the carpool tag that was given at the beginning of the school year. Families picking up from white or both buildings should display the WHITE tag, families picking up from ONLY RED building should display the RED tag.
There are 2 carpool lines, depending on which building you will be picking up your children from. The white building is from grades 4th-8th and the red building is from grades PK-3rd.
All cars must enter from Gate One. When picking up your children from the white or from both buildings, go from Woods Place to Atwater Street, and make a right into Gate One.
When picking up from the red building ONLY use Ligon Street to Atwater Street, and then make a left into Gate One. Please do not park and come to pick up your child, use the carpool lane for pickup.
We thank you for your cooperation in order to make our school year a successful one!