KG Islamic Studies Assignments

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Earth day promise in Google Classroom

Earth day promise

Asalamu Alaykum KG,

For today’s assignment, I want you and a parent or an older sibling to make a promise to take care of the earth as you grow. Allah SWT has created the earth for us and we beed to take care of it every single day.

You may promise to never litter, to save water, to turn off the lights when you’re not using them, to recycle/reduce/reuse, etc. Feel free to send a video to my email: [email protected] if you would like. This is not required.

Once you have made this promise, I want you to review some of the things you have learned this year for Islamic Studies so you are ready for next week’s trivia! Once you are done, please type “done” below.

JAK and have a wonderful weekend!


Ramadan Assignment in Google Classroom

Ramadan Assignment

Asalamu Alaykum KG students,

Today’s assignment will be a participation grade in'sha'Allah. I would like for students to list their 5 pillars of Islam in order and also state what they have learned about the month of Ramadan so far. Please feel free to send me a video if you would like. Once they are done, please comment "DONE" below. 

5 pillars of Islam:
1. Shahadah
2. Salah
3. Zakat
4. Sawm
5. Hajj

Some points for review:
Ramadan: the month of fasting
Sawm: 4th pillar of Islam which means “fasting”.
Fasting means to stay away from food and drink from dawn to sunset (Fajr to Maghrib).
Suhoor: meal before Fajr time.
Iftar: meal at Maghrib time.
We break our fast with dates and/or water to follow the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

Have a wonderful long weekend and I'll see everyone on Tuesday in'sha'Allah! JAK :)


Prophet Musa (as) in Google Classroom

Prophet Musa (as)

Asalamu Alaykum KG Friends,

For today's assignment, I would like for KG students to look over the resources posted under the "Prophet Musa" folder under Unit 9 and review what we learned this week by participating in some of the activities or reading some of the stories.

Once you are done, please click "SUBMIT" and and comment "DONE" below! 

JAK and have a wonderful weekend :)


Respect (review) in Google Classroom

Respect (review)

Asalamu Alaykum KG,

For today, I would like all of my friends to watch this video and make sure they have the 2 sentences: "I show respect" and "I respect my parents" in their Islamic Studies journal. When you are done, no need to take a picture or attach anything, just type "DONE" below!

JAK and enjoy the rest of your day :)


ABC's of Hajj in Google Classroom

ABC's of Hajj

Asalamu Alaykum Kindergarten!
For today's assignment, I would like for my friends to review the ABC's of Hajj that we reviewed this week with a parent or sibling. Everyone did a great job with their writing!

ABC's of Hajj:
"A is for Arafah"
"B is for Black Stone"
"D is for Dhul-Hijjah"
"I is for Ihram"
"J is for Jamarat"
"T is for Tawaf"
"Z is for ZamZam"

If you have not looked at the Hajj resources folder last week, please do so since we will be moving on from our Hajj unit next week bi'ithnillah. You do not have to attach or send me anything on my email for this week. Feel free to comment "done" below for an attendance grade.
JAK and have a wonderful weekend! :)


Hajj Resources Review in Google Classroom

Hajj Resources Review

Asalamu Alaykum KG Friends,

For today, I would like everyone to check out the "Hajj" material folder and review the resources posted! Feel free to sing along to the "Hajj song" with any family members and review what you learned from the hajj steps! When you are finished, please type "done" below. There is a link below that has some activities for children for Hajj.

Jazakum Allahu Khairun and Have a wonderful weekend! :)


Hajj assignment in Google Classroom

Hajj assignment

Asalamu Alaykum KG Friends,

For today's assignment, I would like my friends to view the picture attached on the file with a parent and practice saying and understanding the bold words on the steps of hajj. We will be continuing on with our hajj steps next week in'sha'Allah! When you are done, please type "DONE" below and that's it!

Have a wonderful weekend! Jazakum Allahu Khairun!


Prophet Ibrahim and Ismail: The Builders of the Ka'bah in Google Classroom

Prophet Ibrahim and Ismail: The Builders of the Ka'bah

Asalamu Alaykum KG friends,

For today, I have some friends who will be meeting with me on scheduled times on Zoom for the virtual Names of Allah contest. For today's assignment, I would like my friends to draw a picture of the Ka'bah and write under it "Prophet Ibrahim and Ismail built the Ka'bah."
You may attach the assignment on here as an image or send a picture of it to my email: [email protected].

Thank you to all my friends who participated in the 99 Names of Allah contest! Everyone did a wonderful job!
Jazakum Allahu Khairun and have a wonderful weekend :)


Names of Allah Practice in Google Classroom

Names of Allah Practice

Asalamu Alaykum! Happy Snow Day friends!

For today's assignment, I would like everyone who will be participating in the Names of Allah contest to PRACTICE their names of Allah! For the people not participating, please use today as a review day to study what we learned this week in class. You may click submit once you do this and you do not have to attach anything! I can't wait to see you all next week for the contest and the 100th Day of School in'sha'Allah! Keep an eye out for Friday's assignment tomorrow too!

Jazakum Allahu Khairun


Prophet Yunus in Google Classroom

Prophet Yunus

Asalamu Alaykum Friends,

For this week's assignment, I would like my friends to practice the Names of Allah with a parent or sibling for 5-10 minutes if they are participating in the contest.
As a review of Prophet Yunus's story, students can draw what they remember from the story (the whale, the ship, etc.) and attach their picture to this assignment or send to my email: [email protected].

In'sha'Allah, we will talk about Perseverance and lessons we learned from the story next week! Have a wonderful weekend!



Seerah Review (1/15) in Google Classroom

Seerah Review (1/15)

Asalamu Alaykum KG students,
For today's assignment, I would like all of my friends to write two things in their Islamic Studies journal or blank sheet of paper.

1. Jabal Noor
2. Cave of Hira

Then, I would like for my friends to draw a picture of Mount Noor (Jabal Noor), which is where the Prophet received the revelation. Please don't forget to practice the Names of Allah when you have the chance to do so this weekend.



Prophet Muhammad- Part 3 (Muhammad's Family Tree) in Google Classroom

Prophet Muhammad- Part 3 (Muhammad's Family Tree)

Asalamu Alaykum KG students,

For this week's assignment, I would like for my friends to draw a tree with important people we have talked about in Prophet Muhammad's life. The names will be listed below, but you need to know who each person was!

- Mother: Aminah
- Father: Abdullah
- Foster mother/ wet nurse: Haleemah
- Grandfather: Abdul-Muttalib
- Uncle: Abu-Talib

Once you are done with your family tree, you can attach a picture of it here or send it to my email: [email protected]. Please comment "DONE" below when you have done so!

Jazakum Allahu Khairun


Prophet Muhammad (SAW)- Part 1 review in Google Classroom

Prophet Muhammad (SAW)- Part 1 review

Salam KG Friends,

For today's assignment, I would like for students to tell their parents what they learned about Prophet Muhammad (SAW) this week.
- The Year of the Elephant (Abraha and hid plan)
- Prophet Muhammad's parents (Aminah and Abdullah)
- His grandfather (Abdul-Muttalib)
- His foster mother/wet nurse (Halima)

Resources can be found in the Prophet Muhammad (Part 1) folder

Please comment "done" below once finished. Have a nice weekend :)


Masjid Manners (12/4)--> Practice Rak'ah in Google Classroom

Masjid Manners (12/4)--> Practice Rak'ah

Asalamu Alaykum KG friends,

For today, I would like you to practice praying 1 Rak'ah with your parents (just the movements) and make sure you remember the masjid manners we learned in class this week!

Things to remember:
1. Review wudu steps
2. Have clean socks
3. Follow along after your parent/parents in prayer
4. Review steps in one rak'ah
5. Practice the dua for after eating!

When you are done, you may click submit for the assignment or write "Done" below

Thank you and Enjoy your weekend!


Prophet Sulaiman story drawing in Google Classroom

Prophet Sulaiman story drawing

Asalamu Alaykum Everyone,

For today’s assignment, students should make a drawing of what stood out to them from Prophet Sulaiman’s story. Students should know that we don’t draw our Prophets, but they can draw something they remember from the stories or video we watched.
For example, some students may think of the ants, some might think of Queen Bilqis, some may think of Prophet Sulaiman’s abilities that Allah gave him, others may think of the hoopoe (hudhud). They can be as creative as they want and color it after they are done. Before they start drawing, the students can title their work “Prophet Sulaiman” on top. I will try to make an online collage of all of the pictures sent in 😊

A picture of the work can be sent to my email: [email protected]

Jazakum Allahu Khairun and have a wonderful weekend!


Plants Review in Google Classroom

Plants Review

Asalamu Alaykum KG,
For today’s assignment, students can look at the resources in the “Allah created Plants” material folder and check out the videos and information posted. Flower parts and plant needs can be reviewed as we did in class 😊 when finished, type in “DONE” below.

JAK and Have a great weekend!


Zakat & Sadaqah in Google Classroom

Zakat & Sadaqah

Zakat and Sadaqah:
Asalamu Alaykum KG Parents,

For tomorrow’s assignment, please practice the dua before going to bed with your child and review all the material under the Zakat and Sadaqah material folder.

Please comment “DONE” when this is completed 😊

Jazakum Allahu Khairun! Have a great weekend!


Friday )10/30)--> Prayer steps in Google Classroom

Friday )10/30)--> Prayer steps

Asalamu Alaykum KG parents,

For this week, if possible, please record your child doing the movements of one Rak'ah (Takbeerat, Qiyam (long standing), Ruku, Qawmah (short standing), then two Sajdas (Sujood/Prostration). They do not have to know what to say in each step, just do the movements :)

If it's not possible to record, then please let them demonstrate it in front of you and comment "Done" below!
My email is: [email protected] for anyone that needs it.
Jazakum Allahu Khairun and have a wonderful weekend!


Salah: 2nd Pillar of Islam in Google Classroom

Salah: 2nd Pillar of Islam

Asalamu Alaykum KG friends!
For this week's assignment, I would like for everyone to write down the 5 prayers in their Islamic Studies journal!

1. Fajr
2. Duhr
3. Asr
4. Maghrib
5. Isha

When you are done, you may send me a picture of your work through email or submit the picture here on this google classroom assignment!
JAK and have a wonderful weekend :)


Friday- Prophet Nuh (as) in Google Classroom

Friday- Prophet Nuh (as)

Asalamu Alaykum KG friends,

For this week's assignment, I would like for you to tell your parents what happened in Prophet Nuh's story and write down in your I.S. journal: "Prophet Nuh's Ark landed on a mountaintop". Resources are posted in the "Prophet Nuh" folder! You may attach your work to this assignment or send a picture of it to my email: [email protected]. Please type in "DONE" below when completed!

JAK and have a wonderful weekend :)


Friday assignment: Staying healthy and clean in Google Classroom

Friday assignment: Staying healthy and clean

Asalamu Alaykum KG,
For this week's assignment, I would like for my friends to do some stretches with their parents for 5 minutes!
Then, I would like my friends to demonstrate 20 sec hand-washing to their parent.
Videos and resources used in class this week have been posted under unit 1!
Please comment "DONE" below when this is completed! No need to share anything with me :)

Enjoy your weekend friends!


Friday Assignment (9/25) - Allah Made Animals in Google Classroom

Friday Assignment (9/25) - Allah Made Animals

Asalamu Alaykum KG Parents,
For this Friday's assignment, I would like for students to be able to give a few examples of animals Allah created (4-5 answers is good).
Students may watch the videos attached to this week's lesson and review the PowerPoint with parents in'sha'Allah.

Please comment "DONE" below once finished :)
Enjoy your weekend! JAK!


Friday assignment (9/18) in Google Classroom

Friday assignment (9/18)

Asalamu Alaykum KG parents,

For KG's assignment this week, students have to complete these tasks:
1. Recite the dua we say when we go outdoors
2. Be able to answer the questions: "Who is our Creator/Who created us?", Who was the first man Allah created?", and "Who was the first woman Allah created?"
3. Tell parent how many good deeds you get for saying the "Islamic Greeting"--> Asalamu Alaykum (10), Asalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatu Allah (20), and Asalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatu Allahi Wa Barakatuh (30).

Once these are done, you may submit as if you turned in an assignment or comment "Done" below!

Jazakum Allahu Khairun!


Prophet Adam (AS) in Google Classroom

Prophet Adam (AS)

Asalamu Alaykum KG Parents,

For Friday's attendance grade, KG students should write down " A is for Adam" and "H is for Hawa" 2 times each on their Islamic Studies journal and attach a picture of their work below to this assignment or email it to me at: [email protected].
Have a wonderful weekend.

Jazakum Allahu Khairun


Unit 1: Practice in Google Classroom

Unit 1: Practice

Asalamu Alaykum parents,
I hope that everyone is doing well and had a great first week so far, despite the challenges of having class virtually. It was wonderful to meet my Kindergartners.
For today's activity to count for attendance, I would like for you as parents to ask your child these questions below as on overview for this week and comment below if task is completed (that is all that needs to be done) in'sha'Allah. You may comment: DONE!

1. Who do Muslims worship? (Allah SWT)
2. What is the first step of wudu? (Wash your hands up to your wrist 3x)
3. What is the 1st pillar of Islam? (Shahadah)
4. What do you say when someone says "Asalamu Alaykum"? (Wa Alaykum Asalam)
5. What is the first thing we do in class? (Say our dua)

JAK and have a great weekend!